My 5 Small Daily Routines To Avoid Gaining Weight 👀
5 Small Everyday Things You Can Do to Lose Weight |
You may think that choosing to lose weight is a significant undertaking that requires a considerable transformation and a lot of effort and pain.
The truth is, you can lose weight, feel healthier, and look amazing, all by doing small things every day. Many small changes can make a significant difference.
While you can eat like a rabbit and run for 10 miles a day, you can also make changes that are more manageable and won’t have you loathing the process. If you don’t enjoy your weight loss journey, you won’t stay on it for any longer than you need.
When you’re ready to lose a few pounds, check out these five small everyday things you can do. No one will object to doing number four, that’s for sure!
Use Smaller Dishes
Believe it or not, the diameter of your dinner plate can have a dramatic impact on how much food you eat at any time of the day. The bigger your plate, the more you can fit on it, and the more you put into your body.
Knowing about portion control is a significant part of helping you to lose weight, but so is choosing a plate size that you can fill up, but is smaller than what you would typically use.
Use a Food Diary or App
It’s so easy to sit at your desk or on the couch munching down an entire bag of potato chips, or a full packet of cookies. However, if you knew how many calories were in them, you may decide to change your mind.
If you keep a food diary or app outlining what you eat, how much of it, and how many calories it has, you may be more inclined to control your food intake.
Drink More Water
All too often, we mistake thirst for hunger, reaching for a biscuit or other sweet treats instead of a bottle of water. Your body needs more water than you’re probably giving it, and you may be reading the signs all wrong.
Keep a water bottle on hand, sip on it throughout the day, and increase your water intake before a meal. By doing so, you can curb your appetite while also ensuring your body is entirely hydrated.
Get More Sleep
If you want to lose weight and feel better, all you need to do is sleep! If you needed an excuse to sleep in, nap, or go to bed early, then here it is!
When you don’t sleep enough, your entire body can suffer as a result. You then start to stress, which increases the production of a stress hormone known as cortisol.
Too much cortisol in your body can have you reaching for the crisps and other saturated fat-laden treats.
Exercise More
It seems like a given – you exercise, you lose weight. However, it’s not only those 10-mile runs that make all the difference. You can exercise without putting too much thought into it.
Park further away at the grocery store, take the steps instead of the elevator, and jog on the spot during TV ad breaks of your favorite show. Exercise doesn’t have to be something you have to think about doing, and it can be fun.
If you put too much pressure on yourself to lose weight by setting unrealistic goals or making changes you won’t stick with, then you are unlikely to succeed.
Instead, focus on making small, manageable changes that will help you to lose weight and keep it off for longer – while not altering your lifestyle too dramatically.
Your weight loss journey is about taking small steps to achieve a larger goal, rather than setting a larger goal and accomplishing nothing at all.